Hey Hole Holes go — go, Americans do not really care about theses losers. Who? Who elected her. Hehehe What a nasty hole… Russia Russia, Russia, I Pray PRESIDENR TRUMP cleans all this garbage. they need to be thrown out. Race? when did he speak about Race. Racism Racism, Racism. Democrats are the truly racist
Hey Hole Holes go — go, Americans do not really care about theses losers. Who? Who elected her. Hehehe What a nasty hole… Russia Russia, Russia, I Pray PRESIDENR TRUMP cleans all this garbage. they need to be thrown out. Race? when did he speak about Race. Racism Racism, Racism. Democrats are the truly racist
She is so ghetto she doesn’t even know she’s ghetto!
What do you expect from a black mind that think like a pseudo
democrat that everything they touch or say turns shit?
This ghetto tool is why we need IQ tests to vote.